(540) 380-8292 (TTY 711)

We Can Help You To Enroll In Medicare

If you would like us to help you enroll in Medicare then simply complete the form at the bottom of this page or call us at (540) 380-8292 and we can help you.  

Applying for Medicare is Easy to do

How To Apply For Medicare or Enroll in Medicare

  • You have to apply for Medicare through Social Security.
  • If you are good at doing things online then click HERE TO APPLY FOR MEDICARE.
  • Another easy way to apply for Medicare is to simply go to your local Social Security Office in person.  You might have to wait for a bit but it can help to have someone apply for you.
  • You Can Enroll in Medicare by calling (800) 772-1213.  
  • We strongly recommend CLICKING HERE to learn about When To Enroll In Medicare

How To Apply For Medicare?

Be Careful

When you apply for Medicare or enroll in Medicare you will need to choose if you want to begin taking your Social Security benefits or if you want to defer those benefits until later.  Please make sure you choose appropriately.